
Showing posts from February, 2022

Crystalline Arthritis

A severely painful version of arthritis, crystalline arthritis is caused by sharp crystals precipitating in joints such as the toes, knees or elbows. The crystals are a result of problems absorbing or breaking down various natural substances and create a painful inflammation and swelling in the joint itself.


Bone density disorders involve abnormalities of bone metabolism. Bone metabolism is regulated by several hormones including parathyroid hormone (PTH), estrogen, testosterone as well as vitamins and minerals including calcium,Vitamin D, phosphate, and magnesium. Abnormal bone density can cause bone to be weakened and break easily.


The space between two bones refers to a joint. When joints are abnormal, that is commonly referred to as arthritis. Many people think that arthritis only impacts the elderly, but it can actually affect all age groups. Arthritis knows no age or gender; in fact, it is the leading cause of disability in America. Arthritis is not only very uncomfortable for most people, but it can be painful and debilitating depending on the severity of it.


A group of rare conditions including hereditary fever syndromes, autoinflammatory diseases are the result of mutations in genes that are involved in regulating the innate immune system. The innate immune system is the primal initial line of defense against viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms. When the innate immune system goes unchecked, patients can have recurrent noninfectious fever, inflammatory rashes, joint pain, enlarged and inflamed abdominal organs. These are uncommon conditions that require a high index of clinical suspicion and good detective work in order to diagnose.


Autoimmune arthritis refers to a group of several different types of arthritis whereby your immune system mistakenly attacks your normal healthy joints. Your immune system normally should be defending you against infections and foreign invaders, but it can become dysfunctional and overactive and mistakenly attack your own body. In the case of autoimmune arthritis, the joints are targeted leading to pain, swelling, decreased range of motion, and if left untreated, permanent joint damage and destruction.

Lomibao Rheumatology and Wellness Care, PLLC

Lomibao Rheumatology and Wellness Care provides treatment for individuals suffering from Rheumatologic diseases, diseases of the joints, the muscles and the bones. We offer a personalized, holistic approach that incorporates an individual's preferences and lifestyle choices while taking into consideration the underlying effects of diet and nutrition, genetics, toxins, and psychosocial factors on a person's overall well-being. We believe that health is not merely the absence of disease, and recognize that each individual requires a unique treatment solution customized to their specific needs and lifestyle. If you suffer from autoimmune arthritis, sarcoidosis, bone density disorders, or other Rheumatologic diseases, contact us today.